Thank you, thank you and even a third thank you for emphasis!
I want to take a moment to give a shout out and a big thank you for helping make Solaxa’s JP Morgan conference a success. The MD Tech Council and BioHub Capital Group have been huge supporters of Solaxa and I want to recognize that.
Specifically, the meeting room at JP Morgan was a huge part of making that success possible. Out of the meetings that we had at JPM, we have now oversubscribed our Seed round of financing which will be closing at the end of this quarter. We were also just notified that TEDCO will be participating in our Seed round as well.
I also thank you both on an individual basis for coordinating and facilitating the meeting space which led to over 20+ meetings that Solaxa had which have resulted in 6+ investors that we are having follow-up meetings with and are already in due diligence with 2 funds to lead our Series A. The meeting room and your help specifically made a huge difference.
Thank you, thank you and even a third thank you for emphasis!
Christian Walker, CEO & Founder