MTC is a must-have for any organization or individual looking to connect with our region’s dynamic industry leaders
Our team assesses where to place our marketing and networking dollars at least bi-annually, and I always make certain that my Maryland Tech Council is top of my list.
MTC is a must-have for any organization or individual looking to connect with our region’s dynamic industry leaders, influencers or any number of our innovative workforce. There is so much happening in Maryland – and I find that MTC is tuned into the latest developments; from policy to people, including SLED, emerging tech, cyber, aerospace and defense, manufacturing to non-profit – and let’s not forget our amazing BioSci/BioTech/BioPharma sectors!
MTC attracts those who want to engage and are making things happen! The MTC events are phenomenally well-attended, and I find even the regional chapter events attract decision-makers, from program mangers to CXO level leaders, who welcome the connection.
I love my MTC!