NIIMBL Announces $15.8M to Fund 14 New Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Projects
NEWARK, Del., Aug. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) is pleased to announce approximately $15.8M in planned project activities through the Institute’s Project Call 5.2 for 14 new projects in technology and workforce development that will help to address key opportunities for innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry.
These projects were selected to best align with key areas of focus identified by NIIMBL and which best align to address industry needs.
“NIIMBL is looking forward to adding these projects to our technology portfolio, advancing our community’s efforts in key areas of cell processing, measurement of critical quality attributes and process variables during biopharmaceutical manufacturing, as well as improving reliability and assuring quality during those manufacturing processes,” states Chris Roberts, Associate Institute Director.
Project Call 5.2 also included several workforce development projects that provide a variety of opportunities to those interested in entering or developing skills within the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
“The newest slate of workforce projects will advance NIIMBL’s workforce and talent development mission by driving industry adoption of alternative pathways into the industry, increasing awareness about biopharmaceutical manufacturing careers in diverse populations, as well as catalyzing new education and professional development in cell therapy, gene therapy, and mRNA vaccine manufacturing,” adds John Balchunas, Director of Workforce Development.
To date, NIIMBL has awarded approximately 100 technical, workforce development, and Global Health Fund projects through the Project Call process with a total project investment of over $95M since 2017 when the Institute launched. The NIIMBL community is comprised of more than 200 members from academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations all sharing a common goal to advance biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
For a description of each project and to learn more about NIIMBL, please visit the Project Call 5.2 website.