Leadership Dinner in Annapolis - Online Registration Closed
Hotel Annapolis
126 West Street, Annapolis MD 21401
Member: $172
Non Member: $345
Member Table of 10: $1,548
Non Member Table of 10: $3,105
Each year the Maryland Tech Council’s policy and leadership dinner connects business leaders from the technology and life science communities with policymakers in Annapolis. This is a valuable event where executives, MTC’s Board of Directors and members from the Maryland General Assembly come together to discuss important policy issues.
Kelly Schulz
Secretary of Commerce
CJ "Dian" Corneliussen-James
Director Emeritus and Founder
For more information and sponsorship opportunities, contact Wendy Worm at wendy@mdtechcouncil.com or (240) 243-4050.
Title Sponsor
Legislative Host Sponsors
Legislative Supporter