Whiskey Creek
4804 Whiskey Court
Ijamsville, MD 21758
Individual: $400
Foursome: $1,500
For sponsorship opportunities contact Wendy Worm at wendy@mdtechcouncil.com.
Join us for MTC’s Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, June 9, 2025, celebrating "fore-tee" years of MTC.
This year’s tournament will be held at Whiskey Creek, 4804 Whiskey Court, Ijamsville, MD 21754.
The day will begin with registration, networking and driving range practice at 8:30 AM, followed by a shotgun start at 10:00 AM. There will be raffles, contests, and a lot of friendly competition. After the tournament, stay for a cocktail reception and awards.
Title Sponsorship is Available!
Includes: Two foursomes, logo on player giveaway, and more!
Other sponsorship opportunities:
For sponsorship opportunities contact Wendy Worm at wendy@mdtechcouncil.com. Sponsorship also includes a complimentary foursome registration.